The sport of rugby football did not have a world championships for a long time.
In 1987, Japan participated in the 1st Rugby World Cup competition but lost all its three matches. New Zealand, the host country, won the competition.
At the 2nd Rugby World Cup, held in England in 1991, Japan won its first ever World Cup match by defeating Zimbabwe. Japan was starved of further victories until its match against South Africa at the 8th Rugby World Cup of 2015 held in England.

Ancient rugby game was extremely primitive without any codified rules such as number of players or size and shape of the ball. It was rather martial arts than present rugby football. During the Stuart times in the 15th century, rugby football was prohibited, on the other hand, the rules changed with the times.

The New Zealand team that won the 1st Rugby World Cup competition
Mr. Kirk proudly holding the Ellis Cup high

Australia, the 2nd Rugby World Cup champions
The Ellis Cup was handed to the victors by Queen Elizabeth